
Effective January 1, 2019, all new studies must be submitted through PittPRO, with the exception of sIRB protocols.  Users are encouraged to submit through PittPRO effective immediately. 

OSIRIS studies that are submitted prior to January 1, 2019 will be able to be reviewed through the OSIRIS system.  OSIRIS studies in pre-submission after the January 1, 2019 effective date will be withdrawn and the system will no longer allow new studies to be opened as of that date.  Refer to the chart below for timelines:

Type of SubmissionDate of TransitionAdditional Information
New Exempt/Expedited (EE)October 15, 2018EE projects in OSIRIS pre-submssion will be withdrawn and submission into PittPRO required
New Full Board (FB)January 1, 2019FB projects in pre-submission will be withdrawn and submssion into PittPRO required
New Coordinating Centers and Data Coordinating Centers (CC/DCC)January 1, 2019A new coordinating center application form is avalable in the A-Z Guidance.  It addresses the unique responsiblities of CCs and DCCs.  Upload the completed form in the Local Supporting Document Section in PittPRO
Emergency Use Requests (EU)January 1, 2019All EU requests must be submitted through PittPRO.  See the A-Z Guidance for instructions

Reportable New Information (RNI)

  • Adverse Events
  • Non Compliance
  • Unaticipated Problems
 RNIs are to be submitted into the system where the study is approved
OSIRIS Approved StudiesSpring - Summer 2019Study teams will receive instructions as to when existing studies in OSIRIS will be transition to PittPRO.  (Note: ALL non-exempt approved studies will need to transition)
External Pathway Studies (EXT)TBDStudies for which the Pitt IRB has ceded review to an external IRB should continue to be submitted into OSIRIS
Exception Requests Exception requests are to be submitted into the system where the study is approved

Please contact askirb@pitt.edu with questions about submission